Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I agree with Hunter! Let's keep this blog going!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey everybody, just wanted to keep this blog going. I really enjoyed writing this

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


All through high school, I was stereotyped as being gay because I was a swimmer. People thought that becasue i wore a speedo that i was automatically gay. At first all i could think was how dumb people sounded and that i didnt care but as i grew older i learned more about swimmers and i became more of clever. By junior year i was able to respond to this very easily. People used to call me gay and my answer was that i was on the only sports team at our school that has girls on the team and i just happened to be 9/10ths naked in front of them 5 days of the week. If they didnt shut up after that i pulled the playboy statistics out on them which are that swimmers are number 1 in bed, number 1 most comfortable with the opposite sex, number 1 on most sexually actice. I dont really have to say more after that. If they still continued i would just bring all the points of how their sport is gayer than mine and how their idiots for trying me because a lot of sports are gay if you think about them. After i was done shutting them up i would always say that you cant be gay by the sport you do.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stereotypes and stuff

I recall being bored with some friends when we went to a pizza place close to where we lived. we had just come back from going to a show, so we were having fun and dressed in band shirts and jeans. We were unaware of what had happened before we arrived but someone had drawn not too nice things with ketchup and other things, things got a little weirder when I heard people call us punks, and saying that we probably did it. It bothered me.
I proceeded to stand up and tell an middle aged man and his wife that neither my friends nor I did any of this and that it was very stereotypical that he would think so. I said excuse me first, and was not disrespectful at all, I just did not want someone thinking that I vandalize places just because I enjoy music and dress a certain way. The man just said "Fuck off, punk, don't be coming telling me nothing about what I think", I told him I just didn't want him thinking that I was vandalizing places.
The man then started whining about how we were potheads who have nothing better to do, I told the guy that I don't smoke. He proceeded to tell me that I do other drugs because I enjoy rock music. So I decided it would be better to sit back down, pissed off. As if that wasn't enough, the guy decided to yell at me and tell me that he wasn't finished with me. I said that I was finished talking nonsense, but some people don't understand. So he called me a dumbshit Mexican. If there is one thing people know about me is that I hate being called a Mexican, it is about one of the few things that piss me off. I told the asshole I wasn't at all a Mexican, and told him to stop bitching because I was smarter than him, after all, he told me to "Dont be telling him nothing". So. he wants me to tell him everything.
The thing was resolved when we finished eating and I just walked off and gave the guy the finger and called him some insult. I can't remember but it was funny afterwards as we got into my car. There are few things that piss me off and one is douchebags who don't do anything and being called a Mexican, I find it ignorant. Still that is the only time I remember being discriminated against, and for two reasons in one day. rofl. =D


Do not get me started with stereotype. I have been stereotyped all my life. I am from the Philippine Islands and my appearance of being Asian gave many people false assumptions. Right off the bat, people who first meet me ask me the questions “Are you Chinese?” or “Are you Japanese?” Because of people’s lack of knowledge of the different cultures they always make these assumption. As a child I have always been called names. Growing up I always felt annoyed by these comments. Kids would always call me, “Chinese,” ”Eggroll,” or “Godzilla.” When we do school related work, they assume I am smartest kid in the class because of Asian stereotype. Let me ask you thing. Do you think I’m good at math? Well… I am not! I absolutely hate it with all my heart. Nothing kills me more than math. The stereotype that I would go into the medical field is always made too. However I do have a lot of family members in the medical field, I cannot stand being in a hospital or even being around blood and needles. NEEDLES! Needles are one of my fears. My major is actually Business and know I do not own one of those Japanese smart cars.

Being a female lead to being stereotyped in sports. Whenever I go play at the park with a group of kids with majority of them being boys, I am always chosen last or chosen to sit out when I was young. This occurred mostly during elementary school and middle school. But after playing the particular sport, I always end up proving them wrong. I can play just as dirty as the boys. That’s for sure!

Speaking of sports. I have played multiple sports throughout my life and one stereotype I also got was being a dike! Just because I played a ton of sports doesn’t mean I am a dike. This also leaned more towards the sport of basketball. At my high school, I am not going to lie, there was a number of different orientation of girls, known as “Dikes,” or “Lesbians.” People used to think our whole team was lesbian. But I never took it offensive. I never judged people by their orientation. As a team leader, I always accepted each of and every one of them regardless of orientation. Did it ever cross my mind? Of course it did, but I always respectfully ignored it and focused on what was important, the game. I feel that judgments made cause unnecessary drama, that always end up affecting the team as a whole. I remember one time there was one particular conflict about a girl and it reached the school administration. Let me tell you, my coach made us run for days!

My Stereotypes

Yeah, I'm stereotyped all the time. Even more so because I am Dominican and Haitian, therefore Hispanic and from the islands. Many of my friends, not my close ones, but still people I knew, like my classmates would go "Hey Giiiirrl!!" sometimes and I would just give them a death stare because they know I'm not like that. I hated when they did that, not because I never did it, but because they never said hi to any of their other friends that way so why do they have to do it to me? But usually I just never answered and usually they never got the hint. But it's whatever, some people just don't understand.
Another stereotype I've had to deal with is being Haitian. I've gotten so many, "Do you do voodoo?'s" I just want to answer yes so that person will get scared. Just because a person is from Haiti or has Haitian origins doesn't mean they do voodoo. All of the Haitian friends I have are Christians. And let the record show that my dad is a pastor at a Baptist church so I definitely do NOT practice voodoo. That is what I tell the people who ask me that ridiculous question.
Yet another stereotype I have to put up with is because of the friends I have. I hang out with a lot of Spanish people because my mother is Hispanic and we speak Spanish at home, well I answer my mom in English but still. I just hear people all the time "She thinks she's Mexican" or even "She thinks she's white" because I was in International Baccalaureate. I just ignored them. In the future when they are still in the same little town and I am travelling the world with my amazing salary they can eat their words.


I honestly don’t have to deal with being stereotyped very often. Maybe it’s because I’m not a member of a noticeable ethnic group like blacks or Asians. Or maybe I just don’t notice it because I don’t really mind stereotypes, as long as they aren’t used maliciously. I feel like a lot of people take them way too seriously, most stereotypes can be really funny if you look at them with a lighter attitude.

Mel Brooks is considered to be one of the funniest writers/directors of all time and his movies are full of stereotypes and racist comments, but nobody seems to be offended by them. This is most likely due to the fact that he doesn’t single in on and attack a specific group or community. His movies poke fun at almost every community imaginable including blacks, whites, Jews, Christians, Asians, and many more. In fact, these movies exaggerate the stereotypes to such a degree that they actually satirize the act of stereotyping.

For example, the film “Blazing Saddles” takes place in an old western town called Rock Ridge. The citizens of this town are incredibly racist and frequently make offensive comments toward their African-American sheriff. While Brooks is using these comments to poke fun at the African-American community, their primary function is to illustrate how silly it is to stereotype ethnic groups and communities.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that stereotyping can be helpful to society as long as it is done in good fun and without harmful intents. Harmless stereotyping jokes can desensitize people to racism and prejudice and can reduce violent or malicious retaliation. If people just don’t take them personally and try to see the humor in them, stereotypes can change their image from being hateful insults to being really funny jokes. And this world could use some more humor.